Relapse Prevention in Galveston, TX

The disease of drug and alcohol addiction affects over 23 million people every year. And many of those people will continue to struggle with their addiction and constant cycles of relapse and recovery all throughout their lives because they do not find the right treatment programs for them, nor do they choose treatment that emphasizes programs for relapse prevention. However, we understand that relapse prevention treatment is the cornerstone of any addiction treatment program, which is why we've established our own program for relapse prevention in Galveston.

Essentially, drug and alcohol relapse prevention is what holds the rehab program together and without it, everything would come tumbling down. If you are currently struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction, get to know more about programs for relapse prevention as well as the benefits of these programs so that you can be sure to enter our program for relapse prevention in Galveston as soon as possible.

What is Relapse Prevention?

Before you find a program with relapse prevention in Galveston, it is important to know more about what relapse prevention actually entails. Relapse prevention is a set of therapies, resources, strategies, and other treatments that are designed to help people going through drug and alcohol addiction treatment better manage their addiction and avoid relapse after they have completed addiction treatment.

In order for an addiction treatment program to be successful for the largest number of addicts in the long-term, they must offer extensive programs for relapse prevention including both drug and alcohol relapse prevention.

Relapse Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

One of the worst mistakes that people with drug and/or alcohol addictions make is underestimating the possibility of relapse once they've completed their participation through our programs for addiction treatment in Galveston. The reality of managing addiction and the fantasy of being completely cured of it do not work well together. Addiction is not a curable disease.

It is a chronic condition that will affect a person for their entire life. However, this does not mean that it cannot be controlled and managed through medications, counseling, and the use of various coping mechanisms and strategies.

Relapse is a common problem, in large part, due to the lack of understanding regarding it. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, anywhere from 40 to 60 percent of people with a drug and/or alcohol addiction that have gone through treatment will relapse at some point in the near or distant future after they complete treatment.

Many of those who relapse did not receive the benefits of programs for relapse prevention to help them learn to manage their addiction after treatment is complete.

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Relapse

One of the key facts that you can learn in a treatment center that offers relapse prevention in Galveston is that relapse does not just occur all of a sudden or out of the blue. There are noticeable warning signs and symptoms that a person may exhibit as they begin to fall into the relapse process.

Relapse prevention treatment programs can help you learn to identify and recognize some of the following warning signs and symptoms of relapse:

  • Defensiveness
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Secretive behavior
  • Isolation
  • Avoiding group meetings or therapy sessions
  • Lack of accountability
  • Money problems
  • Ragged or disheveled appearance

Stages of Relapse

Another misconception about relapse is that the term only refers to the act of consuming the addicted substance once again. However in reality, relapse is a process that occurs in stages. Drug and alcohol relapse prevention treatment programs are designed to help people understand these stages and learn how to deal with relapse at any and every stage.

Emotional Relapse

The first stage a person goes through in the relapse process is emotional relapse. This stage of relapse is often overlooked because it has more to do with a person's overall emotional state and state of mind than their specific issues with substance abuse. A person going through emotional relapse may become extremely moody or agitated.

They might also experience long bouts of depression or anxiety, feel extremely fatigued for no apparent reason or struggle sleeping. These are all signs that a person is going through emotional relapse and may be experiencing negative thoughts and emotions that could lead them back to substance abuse.

Mental Relapse

Mental relapse is the second stage of this process and it involves a person actually beginning to mentally slip back into old patterns. They may start thinking about abusing drugs or alcohol again or could even start fantasizing and developing plans to do so.

Even if they think these thoughts are harmless, the reality is that they are a part of the relapse process. Our programs for dual diagnosis treatment in Galveston can treat a mental disorder that creates these lapses in addiction.

Physical Relapse

When a person physically relapses, they have resorted back to obtaining and abusing drugs or alcohol. This is the final stage of the relapse process and will likely require the person to go back through detox and treatment to get out of the three stages of relapse.

Knowing the ways that relapse works as well as the statistics regarding relapse, you can better see why drug and alcohol relapse prevention is so important. As such, when you are ready to overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol, seek our drug and alcohol rehab that offers relapse prevention in Galveston. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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